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Problem and its derivative from GR8767#64

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:13 pm
by mhyyh
Hi, I am going to fight MathSub in Nov. And pls help me this rub ..

64. Let S be a compact topological space, let T be a t.s., and let f be a function from S onto T. Of the following conditions on f, which is the weakest condition sufficient to ensure the compactness of T
A. f is a homeomorphism.
B. f is continuous and 1-1
C. f is continuous
D. f is 1-1
E. f is bounded.

The answer is C.
Can you explain the reason? only offered solutions of 05&97

And it is the derivative, tested in 2004:
f: X -> Y is continuous bijection.
I. if X is compact then Y is compact
II. if X is Hausdorff, then Y is Hausdorff
III. if X is compact and Y is Hausdorff, then f^(-1) (the inv of f) exist.
the answer provided by student of 04 is only III is right

Why the first statement is wrong?

Re: Problem and its derivative from GR8767#64

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:00 am
by yoyobarn
mhyyh wrote:And it is the derivative, tested in 2004:
f: X -> Y is continuous bijection.
I. if X is compact then Y is compact
II. if X is Hausdorff, then Y is Hausdorff
III. if X is compact and Y is Hausdorff, then f^(-1) (the inv of f) exist.
the answer provided by student of 04 is only III is right

Why the first statement is wrong?
I thought the statement I is true.

According to ... gug5bEGCkg,
Theorem. If f : X → Y is a continuous surjection and X is compact, then Y is

Re: Problem and its derivative from GR8767#64

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:26 am
by owlpride
I. is true and not hard to prove.

Let {U_alpha} be an open cover of Y. Then {f^{-1}(U_alpha)} is an open cover of X because f is continuous. Since X is compact, it has a finite subcover {f^{-1}(U_i)}. Then {U_i} is an open cover of im(f), and im(f) = Y since f is surjective.

Back to your first question: the continuous image of a compact space is compact, so continuity of f is certainly sufficient. f being 1-1 (in addition to being onto by hypothesis) doesn't help because bijections need not preserve any topological properties of a space. For example, the "identity map" from the interval [0,1] with the Euclidean topology to [0,1] with the discrete topology is a bijection but not continuous and the image is not compact. Answer E doesn't make sense at all: you need a metric to ask if a function is bounded, but a general topological space does not come with a metric.

Re: Problem and its derivative from GR8767#64

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 10:25 am
by mhyyh
Thanks. I got it. Really appreciate of ur helps ^_^